

The key of the Roadmap is the definition of emission trajectories ensuring carbon neutrality by 2050. This implies building consistent and coherent scenarios for the totality of social and economic development which influences these trajectories. This entails periodic forecasts – the social and economic development over 30 years - and the cross-sectional framework of activities and drivers which influence neutrality.

The scenarios are not intended to portray “a plausible future”. In fact, these scenarios are extreme in the way they assume the development of some trends which impact the use and appropriation of new technologies in Portugal, for example. Their usefulness is a catalyst to discuss different drivers in Portuguese society that may or may not contribute to emissions reduction in the long term. Additionally, they will be used as markers for different paths open to Portugal. Emphasizing the options and decisions the country has in the coming decades in light of society’s development and the value attributed to the goal of carbon neutrality.

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